Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baking, baking and more baking

So this year, D and I decided to make baskets full of baked goods for all our friends and family. I had a good time baking many different things but boy was it a lot of work. Then we decided that we should make our first sugar cookies together. Needless to say we had a great time but neither of us are artistic!

My batch!

D eating as he frosts!

D's batch!

Made some peppermint bark as the cookies were baking.

What our kitchen looks like after we bake!


Jessie Brown said...

oh! I looks like you two had such a wonderful time! I am sick of looking at cookies. I've been doing my share of baking. Only one more batch to go for Craig's dad...burnt oatmeal cookies. Its what he likes :P

Missy said...

it looks like your cookies are on crack. ha ha . JK. Miss you.